Visual artist & art teacher since 2009
2011 - 2015 | History of art, Jean-François Chevrier lecture course, Fine Arts National High School (les Beaux-Arts), Paris, France
2010 | Visual Expression high honor diploma, European Fine Arts High School of Brittany (EESAB), Quimper, France
2008 | Visual Art diploma, Fine Arts National High School (ENSAB), Lyon, France
Quinconce gallery, Rennes, France
La maison rouge, Antoine de Galbert Fondation, Paris, France
solo shows (selected):
2024 | This stone I live in, Quinconce gallery, Montfort on Meu, France
2018 | Born from the foam, Vivarium studio, Rennes, France
2011 | Theory of the Red Queen, Artaban gallery, Paris, France
group shows (selected):
2020 | The small portable cosmogony, LOTO collective, Brussels, Belgium
2017 | Storm-battered ships, Ateliers du vent, Rennes, France
2014 | The Vestibule(s), La maison rouge, Antoine de Galbert fondation, Paris, France
art fairs, biennales:
2023 | Les Rendez-vous à St.-Briac, Quinconce gallery, France
2011 | Slick Dessin / Dessins Exquis, Zeitgeist gallery, Paris, France
residencies :
2012 | Nepokorennie studio, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia
2012 | Gerard Garoust Foundation, Villarceaux, France
2010 | Grrrnd Zero, Lyon, France
Natural sciences, empirical practices, poetry and philosophy are my everyday inspiration.
Drawings, objects or installations have biomorphic forms. Such living organisms in the beginning of a life, they are formed by successive layers of tissue. Their evolution involves accidental deformations, explosions and unexpected spots.
While drawing I learn more about my own body. Each movement of my body influences the drawing to come : the slightest uncontrolled movement will inevitably modify its final shape which becomes an enormous print of the accidents produced by my hand, a momentary imbalance of my arm, a more or less comfortable position of my body... my body - this image I am constantly having an experience of, among all other images of the world... the infinitesimally small world, the macroscopic environment we are used to, or the borderless cosmic space.